2008 Dodge County Wrestling Team
Coach Dr. Steven Greer, CSM (Ret)

Recently wrestlers from eight schools in South Georgia competed in the 3AA Area Wrestling Tournament in Toombs County. Among those competing was Dodge County’s own Matthew Burton, 125 lbs. Entering the tournament with a career lifetime high school record of 0-31, Burton isn’t one to dwell on his past record. He approaches every match with the same motivation and positive attitude in hopes of achieving a lifetime dream – to win a match by pin. Unfortunately, Matthew, who suffers from cerebral palsy, lacks the physical motor skills that most wrestlers take for granted. His handicap severely limits his ability to move in ways that successful wrestlers must move on the mat. Although succumbing to both of his opponents that day, Matthew’s inspiration was pervasive. Just before the tournament finals, a coach announced over the speaker for Matthew Burton from Dodge County to come to the center of the mat. Unsure of what was happening, Matthew made his way to the center of the mat where Toombs County Wrestling Coach Brian Benton was waiting. While Toombs County coach Kevin Hill introduced Matthew to the crowd, Coach Benton placed a gold medal around his neck representing the only medal of Matthew’s career. In front of a huge crowd, all on their feet and cheering for Matthew, coaches, fans, and wrestlers paid their respects to Burton whose legacy of wrestling has inspired thousands across Georgia. According to Coach Parks, “there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.” Burton’s legacy will live on to inspire up and coming Dodge County Wrestlers. Coach Greer, Parks, and Humble have decided to honor Burton by retiring his wrestling singlet in a frame mounted inside the wrestling room.
Matthew Burton Honored